23 April 2010

The SFUSD in local politics

In the local races for district supervisor here in SF, things are starting to pick up; the candidates are starting to truly extend themselves to the people. In doing so, some pretty interesting issues have been coming up, like the perennial dilemma of the SFUSD.


As District 8 candidate Scott Weiner chats with a Glen Park resident about his daughters' education, it's hard not to think about the handfuls of identical stories reflected in this parents' (and from the way I sometimes hear it, a seeming majority of parents') encounters with SF Unified.

Shows the lack of our school system's integration with the local communities, if you ask me; a void I'm beginning to believe to be more and more at the heart of the District's problem.


  1. nice connections here to the local scene...where are you guys at now?

  2. Currently establishing a web site, which acts like a forum for students, faculty, and parents to express their feelings regarding the issues in higher education.
