31 March 2010

Interview with Jane Doe (Notre Dame High School)

- the interviewer -

1) Describe an average day at your school (give us a feel of a walk through the halls)

2) How much of a resource is your school in your life’s development? Do you think it actively contributes to your greater learning in life? Do you feel that your classes cater to your immediate and future needs?

3) How do you think your curriculum could be better formatted to teach you life skills?

4) Is there respect at your school between students? Students and teachers? Teachers and parents? Parents and students? How does this affect your learning environment?

5) If you could change one thing about you school, what would it be?

- the interviewee -

1. an average day at Notre Dame is filled with girls screaming and getting excited about prom or a party that weekend. there are always girls studying for a test for ap calc or honors modern world, and girls eating the yummy food from the campus café fill the dining hall throughout the day. ASB'ers parade down the hall announcing a rally or dodgeball game, or some other cultural event. it's a crazy place in those carpeted halls!

2. oh my gosh, they are a big resource. teachers and students and staff always want to ensure that you can perform to the best of your abilities, whether you want their help or not. going to an all girls school has helped me mature as a woman and has greatly improved my self-confidence. notre dame provided the impetus i needed to invest my time in my interests and the teachers, besides my peers of course, have basically become my confidantes throughout my highschool career :) my classes, especially the AP classes, have definitely prepared me for the future, teachers have really high expectations at notre dame, and they don't let students off without knowing that they have put in their best effort.

3. not really, i feel that alot of the classes, even religion (sometimes...) has helped improve my "life skills".

4. DEFINITELY. teachers and students have an awesome relationship, which enhances the classroom greatly. because of the teachers, students can very easily talk to teachers and ask for help, or just talk about life. teachers are very open to change and discussion about the curriculum or current issues, and the parents can see that in their daughters' AWESOME grades!

5. if i could change one thing about notre dame, i would want the staff to be a little more liberal, not in political views, but in social issues. for instance, dress code for dances/free dress days is a bit tight! also, certain teachers are very conservative when it comes to our classes budget for things like prom and rally events, which at times makes it hard to try and liven things up. but other than that, i love notre dame!

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