31 March 2010

Interview with John Doe (San Mateo High School)

• Describe an average day at your school (give us a walk through the halls...)

Walking into my newly built school is amazing! It’s so beautiful, there is crazy orange and black spirit everywhere, and you see people that you know at least one thing about everywhere you go. There is a wide diversity of students who all bring something special to the school, and as you walk through the halls it’s fun to see how all the different types of people like to interact.

• How much of a resource is your school in your life’s development? Do you think it actively contributes to your greater learning in life? Do you feel that your classes cater to your immediate and future needs?

Through my school, especially its Leadership program, I have grown immensely. I have learned great organizational, charismatic, learning, teaching, communicating, and other skills that I’m positive will help me for the rest of my life. Getting to take harder and more specific classes as I advance in grades certainly helps, because I get to focus hard to study on the things I’m interested in.

• How do you think your curriculum could be better formatted to teach you life skills?

It’s really hard for public schools right now, but a wider diversity of Honors and AP classes would help make me more interested in schoolwork, which might teach me those life skills.

• Is there respect at your school between students? Students and teachers? Teachers and parents? Parents and students? How does this affect your learning environment?

While fights will happen a couple times a year, for the most part there is a great respect between all the students, teachers, and parents of the school. Students really feel safe and respected, most people are exceptionally friendly, and it provides a good environment for everyone to learn and socialize in. The teachers and parents are very supportive of all San Mateo High School has to offer its students. If there are any differences, they are settled on the Dodgeball court!

• If you could change one thing about you school, what would it be?

Being a spirit commissioner, I would like to see every single person become as spirited as I am about my school, because it’s just so damn awesome.

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