26 March 2010

Interview with Mollie Vitale (Marin Academy High School)

Describe an average day at your school (give us a feel of a walk through the halls).

Every other day is different. At MA we have odd days and even days, so I'll walk you through an odd day:
Day 1: My first class is Physics which starts at 8:00 am. This is my science class and we usually are in the middle of some intense project...for example, a Mouse Trap powered Car. Then I have a break period. Sometimes I'll be really hungry so I can go to the cafeteria to get a morning snack, otherwise it's a time to hang out with friends. Then I go to History, Culture, and Identity--my history class. We study our culture through classic films such as "M" and "Citizen Kane"...right now though, we are studying the effects of the marketing world on different age groups, and examining stereotypes. Then it is an all school assembly where there is a Senior or two--introduced by our student body president--who give a speech, and then announcements from anyone who has an announcement to make. Afterwards is lunch, which is self explanatory. After lunch I head to AP Statistics, my math course. We are learning about the T-distribution and how to apply it to everyday statistics problems...pretty straightforward. After school on Day 1 I have Yearbook. We meet from 2:30-3:00 and create parts of the MA yearbook in that time.
That's basically a day in the life of an MA senior.

How much of a resource is your school in your life’s development? Do you think it actively contributes to your greater learning in life? Do you feel that your classes cater to your immediate and future needs?

Oh absolutely. I feel that MA has not only taught me book material, but also lessons for how to live my life. Especially with our rich community and all the different extra curriculars available, such as Eco-Council and Peer Resources, Music and Book Swap and Ping Pong Club...there's something to be learned in every corner of the campus...even our Garden is a great spot to just sit and contemplate your day! My teachers have always conversed with me in outside topics such as "Lost" and the Giants vs theA's (who's the better team?)

How do you think your curriculum could be better formatted to teach you life skills?

Well...I believe if this one class that' already offer was mandatory for all students--Outdoor Skills--the entire school would have the ability to start their own fire, learn how to stop the poison of a snake get to the heart, etc...we would all be safe in the wilderness!!

Is there respect at your school between students? Students and teachers? Teachers and parents? Parents and students? How does this affect your learning environment?

Absolutely--everyone at MA is considered an individual with their own opinions...our environment here is enriched with safe community norms and trying debates every day.

If you could change one thing about you school, what would it be?

The center of campus used to be the MA circle. Now it is the BBLC building. This is because the cafeteria was moved from Foster (right behind the circle) to the downstairs BBLC (far away from the MA circle)...if the cafeteria moved back to where it was, the circle would be revived and some of the loss of MA spirit would come to life again!

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