13 April 2010

Ali Bock El Cerrito High '10

1. School is somewhere I have to be from 10-2 every day. Especially as a second semester senior I do almost nothing. There have been a few good classes along the way, I learned to write in AP Language and Comp, learned AP U.S. History, and learned a good amount of Economics. That's honestly about it. I take two classes in the four hours I'm at school, Probability and Statistics(designed for seniors trying to take something lightweight easy to relax with second semester) and I assist and grade papers for an English 4 remedial teacher (I used this class to describe the secondary scenario from the first question). Kids at EC are often drunk, or high in class, or simply just screw around in the lower level, less academic classes. I guess El Cerrito teaches you how to interact with other students. But not a lot beyond that.

2. I think public schools, especially in the district I find myself in, are in a disaster state. There's no money, no teachers willing to work for almost nothing, and a lot of kids who don't really care about their education, they just want a diploma. I think drug and alcohol classes should be mandatory for freshmen, something like a health class. I've found myself shocked, hearing the things that our freshman classes do. One kid tried to sell my best friend ecstasy last week, the dealer's age? 14. It's kinda scary. I think the freshmen need better life skills.
In short, I think when the economy finds itself in a better place, public schools will be better off.

3. El Cerrito is kind of like jail. We're under constant suspicion and are watched by a multitude of unqualified high school drop outs that call themselves "site supervisors". They can chase you down, and give you a WAS (work alternative to suspension). Basically, you get to go pick up trash for a half hour after school, as if that will teach you to be on time to school. This year (2010) I've been searched 4 times, and asked if I was the leader of a gang. As one of the more affluent white kids with good grades I was appalled to hear this, and actually laughed at the cop who asked.
Basically, students are expected to have eachother's backs no matter what, any authority figure is ridiculed, and parents have no standing with the kids. The school treats the kids like convicts and it'll take you two weeks to get an appointment with your counselor, unless your mom calls, because that'll take you about 15 minutes.

4. I have no idea what I'd change. Everything? Nothing? Probably funding for better teachers to be hired. Not sure that'd help though.

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