07 April 2010

Interview with Sean Carey (Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep)

•Describe an average day at your school (give us a feel of a walk through the halls).

Hella fuckers, I hate about 90% of the kids. I try to not be cynical, but it’s hard, when you’re surrounded by douche bags (one word?). It consists of running past hordes of people who seem, to coalesce into clumps like they’re white blood cells. It’s pretty much get in, get out.

•How much of a resource is your school in your life’s development? Do you think it actively contributes to your greater learning in life? Do you feel that your classes cater to your immediate and future needs?

There have been a few teachers who I believe have truly helped me, but I feel that my school is unrelated to my personal development. I have received a good base in classes, but most of the classes that I have taken are unrelated to my future plans.

•How do you think your curriculum could be better formatted to teach you life skills?

More opportunity for honors and accelerated classes for the lower divisions. More classes that directly apply to development practical things like personal finance.

•Is there respect at your school between students? Students and teachers? Teachers and parents? Parents and students? How does this affect your learning environment?

The older grades tend to be more respectful, but there are always a few obnoxious and disrespectful people. The good teachers respect their students, but there are many who have limited or no respect for their students. When a teacher lacks respect for his or her students then learning is impossible. I am unaware of the relationship between parents/teachers or parents/students.

•If you could change one thing about you school, what would it be?

Detach the school from its’ religious affiliation.

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