07 April 2010

Jasmyn's Personal Mission Statement

To raise awareness that the discrepancies between the public and private education system are not a distant idea, but for a massive amount of American youth public schools are their reality. Metal detectors, in class disruptions, unmotivated teachers, feeling unsafe and unprotected in their learning enviroment, and a government monopoly of the education system is real. To heighten my awareness of the sheer luck that has enabled me to be in an enviroment where I can harness whatever type of intelligence that I may be and feel safe. To keep in mind that throwing money at a problem is not a solution, and math and science aren't for everyone. At times calculus can be less valuable then a life skill. To be considerate that the situation of others does not necesasarily enable them to go to highschool five days a week, there are always the exceptions and the exceptional.

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